This course is not currently available for individual bookings. To arrange a private offering of this course to your group of 10 or more, contact
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Andrew F. Hayes, PhD, University of Calgary
Statistical mediation and moderation analyses are among the most widely used data analysis techniques in social science, health and business research. Mediation analysis is used to test hypotheses about various intervening mechanisms by which causal effects operate. Moderation analysis is used to examine and explore questions about the contingencies or conditions of an effect, also called “interaction.” Increasingly, moderation and mediation are being integrated analytically in the form of what has become known as “conditional process analysis,” used when the goal is to understand the contingencies or conditions under which mechanisms operate. An understanding of mediation and moderation analysis is in the job description of almost any empirical scholar. In these courses, you will learn about the underlying principles and the practical applications of these methods using ordinary least squares (OLS) regression analysis and the PROCESS macro for SPSS, SAS and R, invented by the course instructor and widely used in the behavioral sciences. These courses are a companion to the instructor’s book Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis, published by The Guilford Press.

Dr. Andrew F. Hayes, PhD, course instructor, inventor of the PROCESS macro for SPSS, SAS, and R, and author of Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis published by The Guilford Press.
The topics addressed in this course includes the following (video length in parentheses):
- Estimation and interpretation of the simple mediation model; total, direct, and indirect effects; path analysis tracing rules, illustration of computations using SPSS/SAS/R syntax. (90 minutes)
- Statistical inference about total, direct, and indirect effects in a mediation model; an overview of the mechanics of bootstrapping and the reasons why bootstrap confidence intervals are preferred to more classical inferential techniques. (51 minutes)
- Introduction to the PROCESS tool for SPSS, SAS, and R; common questions about bootstrapping and PROCESS. (86 minutes)
- The uses and limitations of data analysis in causal inference; the design-analysis-theory tripod of inference; confounding in a mediation model; how to account for confounds through the inclusion of covariates in a PROCESS command. (40 minutes)
- An example of the application of mediation analysis using PROCESS when the causal antecedent X is dichotomous; partially standardized effect relative to the completely standardized effect; reasons to avoid completely standardized measures of effects when X is dichotomous. (44 minutes)
- An overview of the influential but now outdated "causal steps" procedure for assessing mediation (also known as the "Baron and Kenny" approach); a critique of the concepts of complete and partial mediation. (35 minutes)
- The parallel multiple mediator model; reasons for estimating such a model with more than one mediator; path analysis rules in a parallel mediation model; implementation in PROCESS; the comparison of indirect effects through different mediators. (51 minutes)
- Mediation analysis in the two-group pretest-posttest design. Illustration of various approaches using PROCESS. (57 minutes)
- The fundamentals of moderation; the distinction between conditional and unconditional effects; how to set up a regression model to allow one variable's effect to depend on another variable in the model; the symmetry property of interactions; interpretation of regression coefficients. (58 minutes)
- Linear moderation analysis with a dichotomous focal predictor and continuous moderator; how to visualize a model, interpreting regression coefficients; simplification of the analysis using PROCESS. (56 minutes)
- Probing moderation using the pick-a-point approach/spotlight analysis and the Johnson-Neyman technique/floodlight analysis; the distinction between testing for moderation and probing moderation; probing options available in PROCESS. (79 minutes)
- Debunking of two widely-believed myths about moderation analysis: the need to "mean center" or standardized focal predictor and moderator, and that to test a moderation hypothesis, a model should be built in stages using hierarchical variable entry. (54 minutes)
- The generalization of principles of moderation analysis discussed in the course to this point to models with a continuous focal predictor and a dichotomous moderator. (33 minutes)
- Additional generalization of the principles of moderation analysis to quantitative focal predictors and quantitative moderators; good and bad approaches to producing standardized regression coefficients in a moderation analysis. (52 minutes)
- Moderation analysis in the 2 x 2 design (when both focal predictor and moderator are dichotomous) from a regression perspective using PROCESS; main and simple effects parameterizations of the 2 x 2 design; Regression versus factorial ANOVA. (72 minutes)
- The integration of mediation and moderation analysis as "conditional process analysis”; the conditional indirect effect and a test of moderated mediation; the index of moderated mediation; example analysis of a second stage conditional process model using PROCESS; the similarities and differences between the use of PROCESS and a structural equation modeling program. (86 minutes)
- Illustrating, using PROCESS, the analysis of a first stage conditional process model that includes moderation of the direct and indirect effect of X. (58 minutes)
- A conditional process model that combines moderation with parallel multiple mediation. (83 minutes)
- The serial mediation model, including path analysis tracing rules for partitioning an effect into direct and indirect components when a mediator is allow to affect other mediator; illustration of serial mediation analysis using PROCESS; custom assignment of covariates to equations using PROCESS; model pruning. (49 minutes)
- A conditional process model that blends serial mediation with moderation; more on model pruning to simplify an unnecessarily complex model. (57 minutes)
- Mediation analysis when the independent variable X is multicategorical; representing a multicategorical variable in a regression model; estimation of relative total, direct, and indirect effects of a multicategorical X; how to determine whether X's effect on Y is mediated; example analysis using PROCESS (110 minutes)
- Moderation analysis when the focal predictor or moderator is multicategorical; conditioning a multicategorical X's effect on a moderator; probing and visualizing the model using features available in PROCESS. (89 minutes)
- Conditional process analysis when X is multicategorical; an illustration using PROCESS and how to test for moderation of mediation and quantify the relationship between moderator and the size of relative indirect and direct effects that are conditional on a moderator. (51 minutes)
- Moderation analysis with more than one moderator; the additive multiple moderator model that allows X's effect on Y to vary linearly but independently by moderators W and Z; moderated moderation or “three-way” interaction that allows the moderation of X's effect by moderator W to depend on moderator Z; techniques for visualizing and probing, facilitated by PROCESS. (154 minutes)
- Creating a custom model in PROCESS from scratch; editing and customizing a preprogrammed, numbered model. (38 minutes)
- Conditional process models with one of the two paths defining an indirect effect moderated simultaneously by two variables; visualization and interpretation; partial moderated mediation and how to test a partial moderated mediation hypothesis using PROCESS. (55 minutes)
- Conditional process models with two moderators of the indirect effect effect, one operating on the first stage and one on the second stage; moderated moderated mediation and conditional moderated mediation; visualizing conditional indirect effects; testing for moderation of moderated mediation and conditional moderated mediation using PROCESS. (71 minutes)
This course is delivered online in an asynchronous format through pre-recorded video using our online course management system at There is no limit to the number of times a video can be viewed, and controls for pausing, forwarding, and rewinding are provided on the user interface. Each course also contains a number of downloadable activities and self-assessments, with corresponding videos describing the answers to each activity and assessment task.
The content of the course includes 30 hours of video distributed over 27 modules, plus 13 activities and 2 self-assessments.
All data files, statistical code, activities, and PDFs of content of the videos can be downloaded and saved to the learner's storage medium for viewing even after the end of the access period. Videos cannot be downloaded or viewed offline.
In all courses, learners can interact with the instructor through email as well as in real time during occasional virtual office hours using Zoom. An online discussion forum is also provided for learners and the instructor to interact during the course.
All courses are taught in English. There are no foreign language subtitles or closed captioning available on the videos, and all course materials are provided in English.
Computer applications will focus on the use of ordinary least squares regression and the PROCESS macro for SPSS, SAS and R, developed by the instructor, that makes the analyses described in this class much easier than they otherwise would be. This is a hands-on course, so maximum benefit results when learners can follow along with analyses using a laptop or desktop computer with a recent version of SPSS Statistics (version 27 or later), SAS (release 9.3 or later, with PROC IML installed) or R (version 3.6 or later; base module only. No packages are used in this course). Learners can choose which statistical package they prefer to use. STATA users can benefit from the course content, but PROCESS makes these analyses much easier and is not available for STATA. You can keep what you download, but videos are not downloadable.
The course content can be viewed from any technology capable of accessing web pages and viewing video files, including most tablets, phones, desktop, and laptop computers. An internet connection is required.
This course will be helpful for researchers in any field – including psychology, sociology, education, business, human development, social work, public health, communication and others that rely on social science methodology – who want to learn how to apply the methods of moderation and mediation analysis using widely-used software such as SPSS, SAS and R.
Learners are recommended to have familiarity with the practice of multiple regression analysis and elementary statistical inference. No knowledge of matrix algebra is required or assumed, nor is matrix algebra used in the delivery of course content. Learners should also have some experience with the use of SPSS, SAS or R, including opening and executing data files and programs.
Upon completion, you will be able to:
- statistically partition one variable’s effect on another into its primary pathways of influence, direct and indirect
- understand modern approaches to inference about indirect effects in mediation models
- test competing theories of mechanisms statistically through the comparison of indirect effects in models with multiple mediators
- understand how to build flexibility into a regression model that allows a variable’s effect to be a function of another variable in a model
- visualize and probe interactions in regression models (e.g. using the simple slopes/spotlight analysis and Johnson-Neyman/floodlight analysis approaches)
- integrate models involving moderation and mediation into a conditional process model
- estimate the contingencies of mechanisms through the computation and inference about conditional indirect effects
- determine whether a mechanism is dependent on a moderator variable
- apply the methods discussed in this course using the PROCESS procedure for SPSS, SAS and R
- talk and write in an informed way about the mechanisms and contingencies of causal effects
A certificate of completion from the Canadian Centre for Research Analysis and Methods is provided at the end of the course.
In this course, we focus primarily on research designs that are experimental, cross-sectional, or 2-wave longitudinal in nature, with continuous outcomes. We do not cover complex models involving dichotomous outcomes, latent variables, nested data (i.e., multilevel models) or the use of structural equation modeling. We also do not address the "counterfactual" or "potential outcomes" approaches to mediation analysis or discuss directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). Some of these topics that are not covered can be quite a bit more complex and require familiarity and comfort with the fundamentals covered in these courses. Thus, this course serves as a good starting point for your journey of continuous learning..
To see excepts of some of the videos in this course, point your browser to or click the button below.
- "This course was incredibly helpful. I feel like I left with a much better understanding of how to go back to basics and set up a statistical model, which we be useful no matter what model I ultimately end up using."
- "Great course, extra excellent instructor, with deep knowledge and expertise."
- "This is a fantastic course - one of the best that I have ever done. Thank you for the wonderful opportunity to enhance my skills."
- "Thank you for a wonderful course! i learned so much and can't wait to apply the material to my work."
- "Useful for anyone interested in learning the basics of these analyses and how to use PROCESS. I found the examples and interpretation of results from the output helpful and I am applying what I learned to my current research projects."
- "I found this class so helpful. I am using mediation analysis for my dissertation and this class gave me the foundation which I was lacking. I highly recommend this class!"
- "Andrew not only illustrates these concepts through interesting examples and the use of different software, but is also available to answer our questions throughout the course."
- "I came to have more confidence in using the analyses and doing my study after taking this course."
When is the deadline for enrolling?
This course is currently not being offered to the public for individual bookings. To arrange a private booking for your group of 10 or more, contact
How long does the course last?
You can progress through the content at your own pace. Some people complete the course in as little as a couple of weeks, other people take most of the time they are given. The course is as short or as long as you want it to be, within the constraint that you will not have access to the video content at the end of the offering period.
What if I can't be online at certain times. Will I miss things?
The lectures are all prerecorded and are available for you to view when you are ready. These are not live stream courses that require you to be online at certain times. You can log in to your CCRAM Digital Chalk account and progress through the content when you have time. There are occasional office hours with the instructor that are conducted live through Zoom. These are scheduled about once a week at various times that change from week to week. But attendance at these is optional. Some people regularly attend office hours. Others attend only one or two. Still others never attend at all. It is up to you.
What if I run out of time before finishing the course?
If something comes up and you find you cannot complete the course, you can purchase a two week extension of your time. Instructions for how to do this are available on the main course portal page once you have enrolled. You can request an extension right before your time is up using the link on the course portal, or up to one week after your access has ended. After you access has ended, you should email for instructions, since you wont have access to the course at that point..
Are the videos downloadable? Can I view them when not online, such as on an airplane?
No, the videos can only be viewed when online and cannot be downloaded. But the data files and code and the PowerPoint slides that are used in the videos can be downloaded and are available for you to keep on your own storage medium for as long as you want.
Do I need to have a computer or laptop to watch the videos?
The videos can be viewed on most electronic devices that can display mp4 files, including phones, tablets, laptop and desktop computers, etc.
Will I get a certificate of completion once I finish the course?
If you want one, a certificate documenting that you took the course can be provided to you by the CCRAM staff if you ask by emailing once you have completed the course.
Do you offer ECTS credits upon completion of the course?
Although we have no means of formally granting ECTS credits recognized by European universities, the workload in this class is equivalent to about 6 ECTS credits.
There are many people in my department that would like to take this class. Can we take it at the same time? Will you give group discounts?
Contact to ask about about hosting a CCRAM session for your group of 10 or more. This would allow you to decide when the course starts and stops, and private office hours for your group can be set up on a schedule that is convenient to your group.
Registration is a 2-step process. Please follow the directions carefully at each step. You must complete both steps before you can begin the course.
This course is not currently being offered for individual bookings. To arrange a private booking for your group of 10 or more, contact
Once you have completed step 1 by paying your tuition, please go to and create an account in our online course management system by clicking the "Create Account" link. Only your name and email address are required, but you may complete other fields in the form if you want.
Once you have set up a DigitalChalk account, the course you purchased will soon be available in your DigitalChalk dashboard. It may take up to a day for the course to appear in your dashboard, but usually it won't take more than a few hours. You can begin the course once it does by logging back into your DigitalChalk account.
NOTE: You must set up your DigitalChalk account within 14 days of paying tuition. If you do not, an account will be set up for you and you will notified of the user ID and password. We recommend setting up an account as soon as you pay your tuition to get the maximum amount of time to complete the course.
Click the button below to go to and then click the "Create Account" option.
If you encounter any problems with the registration process, please contact us at