Technical Reports
Our technical reports written by CCRAM experts provide statistical software use advice, introduce new or expand on existing methods, or otherwise provide guidance on data analysis and research design topics. These reports are unpublished but some may be working their way through the publication process. Some of the titles of our technical reports include:
- Hacking PROCESS for Estimation and Probing of Linear Moderation of Quadratic Effects and Quadratic Moderation of Linear Effects
- Changing the Reference Group when Using Indicator Coding for a Multicategorical Variable in PROCESS
- Counterfactual/Potential Outcomes "Causal Mediation Analysis" with Treatment by Mediator Interaction Using PROCESS
Computational Tools and Aids
PROCESS macro for SPSS, SAS, and R
PROCESS is a computational tool invented by CCRAM expert Andrew F. Hayes. It is freely-available for SPSS, SAS, and R, and has become widely used throughout the behavioral sciences as well as in business research, medicine, and public health for easing the estimation of effects in mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis.
Co-created by CCRAM experts Piers Steel and Hadi Fariborzi, HubMeta is a web-based tool to speed up all stages of the meta-analysis process, from conducting, organizing and updating literature searches for systematic reviews, to coding and training coders, to doing meta-analytic computations.
r2mlm is an R package that implements various R-squared measures for multilevel models with random intercepts and/or slopes, discussed in articles published by CCRAM expert Jason Rights (Rights and Sterba, 2019; Rights & Sterba, 2020)