Westman Centre for Real Estate Studies

Westman Centre for Real Estate Studies

The vision of the Westman Centre for Real Estate Studies is to be a catalyst for the development of real estate industry professionals and a leading centre of excellence for real estate studies. The Westman Centre is focused on developing the next generation of leaders for Calgary’s entrepreneurial real estate industry through its teaching, research and community engagement activities.

A guest speaker in a real estate classroom explaining concepts to students

Interested in guest lecturing in the classroom?

Click here to learn more about guest lecturing in a real estate class.

For Students

A robust curriculum taught by outstanding instructors and diverse extra-curricular activities are key to offering our students learning opportunities that are relevant and rigorous.

Thought Leadership

Working collaboratively and across disciplines to advance research on relevant and timely topics for the real estate industry, including case studies to enhance our curriculum.

Community Engagement

Building strong relationships between students, faculty and industry leaders is critical to the success of the Westman Centre and the real estate studies program.

Westman Centre Real Estate Case Competition - January 2024

2024 Westman Case Competition Winners

Westman Centre Industry Career Symposium - November 2023

Westman Centre Industry Career Symposium students and industry mingling

The Westman Centre, and the real estate studies concentration, provided me with the educational platform and networking opportunities I needed to launch an exciting career in commercial real estate. Learning from industry leaders was an invaluable experience that has helped to prepare me for life after graduation.

Jody Sick, BComm Graduate, June 2020