Embedded Certificate in Leadership Studies
Speak to an academic advisor about adding the embedded certificate in Leadership Studies to your degree!

About The Certificate
Leadership is a key component in any organization, role and industry. Available to all University of Calgary undergraduate students, the embedded certificate in Leadership Studies gives undergraduate students the opportunity to explore the foundations of leadership and build the necessary skills to succeed as a leader. By adding this six-course embedded certificate, students will supplement the technical knowledge gained through their current program with tangible leadership skills.
The embedded certificate was thoughtfully developed with experiential learning and evidence-based research in mind. Students enrolled in the embedded certificate will apply their newly acquired knowledge to real-world projects in their area of study and have access to the BMO Mentorship Program.
To add the embedded certificate to a current degree program, students must apply for a program revision starting October 1 each year. Students may apply for a program revision through their student centre by selecting the embedded certificate in Leadership Studies (LDST-EMC) under the embedded certificates section. Students are encouraged to start working towards the embedded certificate requirements by enrolling in their electives this academic year.
If you have any questions about adding the embedded certificate to your degree, please email undergraduate@haskayne.ucalgary.ca (please include your UCID).
Program Requirements
To earn the embedded certificate in Leadership Studies, students must complete six courses: two core courses (six units) and four elective courses (twelve units) selected from the Leadership Studies elective list. Elective courses may also be used for credit towards the student’s current degree program. Please note: students can only receive a maximum of 12 units (of the total 18 units) from any one Faculty.
Core Courses
Requirements for the Embedded Certificate in Leadership Studies
Management Studies (MGST) 453 – Ethical Leadership: Apply a variety of different leadership frameworks to problems and develop an understanding of when various frameworks are most applicable. Critical thinking skills will be honed using film, short cases, readings, class discussions, and written opinion. Identify components of leadership behaviours and explore the complex interaction between leaders and members in the context of different ethical quandaries. Witness, experience, and "consume" leadership as it progresses from individual to team to organizational to community levels.
Leadership Studies (LEAD) 501 – Leadership Capstone: Students advance their practical understanding of effective leadership behaviours, and build capacity to facilitate leadership skills in others.
Kinesiology (KNES) 311 - Leadership Foundations: Contemporary leadership best practices with a focus on physical activity, pedagogy and sport coaching. Linking leadership theory with critical reflection.
Kinesiology (KNES) 411 – Advanced Leadership: Students will advance their theoretical and practical understanding of effective leadership behaviours through experience, discussion, and systematic reflection. Learning is focused on developing self-awareness in relation to leadership practices and the capacity to facilitate leadership skills in others.
Leadership Studies (LEAD) 401 – Foundations in Ethical Leadership: Evidence-based approach to leadership with an emphasis on self-awareness and personal development. Students will learn the behaviours that predict leader emergence and leadership effectiveness.
Leadership Studies (LEAD) 501 – Leadership Capstone: Students advance their practical understanding of effective leadership behaviours, and build capacity to facilitate leadership skills in others.
Elective Courses
Below are the approved electives for the embedded certificate in Leadership Studies. These electives will help you acquire a broad view of leadership issues from a variety of different faculties. Students are invited to explore topics beyond the scope of their current degree program to expand their exposure to a variety of leadership issues from different disciplinary perspectives.
- Anthropology (ANTH) 303: Business in Cultural Context
- Anthropology (ANTH) 331: Sex and Gender
- Communication and Media Studies (COMS) 369: Rhetorical Communication
- Communication and Media Studies (COMS) 591: Capstone Seminar in Communication and Media (project dependent, approval required)
- Civil Engineering (ENCI) 471: Project Management I
- Civil Engineering (ENCI) 565: Project Management II
- Civil Engineering (ENCI) 570: Group Design Project
- Community Rehabilitation (CORE) 205: Introduction to Disability Studies
- Data Science (DATA) 201: Thinking with Data
- Economics (ECON) 349: The Economics of Social Issues
- Engineering (ENGG) 513: The Role and Responsibilities of the Professional Engineer in Society
- Engineering (ENGG) 515: Project Management for Engineers
- Environmental Science (ENSC) 502: Special Problems in Environmental Management
- History (HTST) 307: The Contemporary World
- Kinesiology (KNES) 331: Foundations of Coaching
- Kinesiology (KNES) 344: Gender, Sexuality and Sport
- Kinesiology (KNES) 399: Sport Psychology
- Kinesiology (KNES) 431: The Art of Coaching
- Kinesiology (KNES) 444: Critical Perspectives on the Body
- Kinesiology (KNES) 479: Advanced Fitness Appraisal and Exercise Prescription
- Marketing (MKTG) 483: Consumer Behaviour
- Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources (OBHR) 321: Foundations in Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources
- Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources (OBHR) 407: Rationality and Decisions
- Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources (OBHR) 421: Interpersonal Behaviour
- Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources (OBHR) 447: Haskayne Wilderness Retreat
- Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources (OBHR) 491: Lifework Planning and Career Assessment
- Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources (OBHR) 493: Business Negotiations
- Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources (OBHR) 517: Indigenous Peoples and Sustainable Development
- Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources (OBHR) 559.1: Selected Topics in Management and Organizations (Personal Leadership & Team Dynamics)
- Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources (OBHR) 559.06: Selected Topics in Management and Organizations (Gender and Work)
- Philosophy (PHIL) 249: Morality, Virtue and Society
- Philosophy (PHIL) 313: Bioethics
- Philosophy (PHIL) 314: Information Technology Ethics
- Philosophy (PHIL) 325: Law and Morality
- Philosophy (PHIL) 329: Business Ethics
- Philosophy (PHIL) 330: Philosophy of Money
- Philosophy (PHIL) 345: Issues in Environmental Ethics
- Philosophy (PHIL) 347: Contemporary Moral Problems
- Philosophy (PHIL) 451: Contemporary Ethical Theories
- Philosophy (PHIL) 453: Social and Political Philosophy
- Political Science (POLI) 321: Politics and Government in Canada
- Political Science (POLI) 417: Feminist Political Theory
- Political Science (POLI) 447: Comparative Public Policy
- Political Science (POLI) 453: Women and Politics
- Political Science (POLI) 477: American Politics
- Psychology (PSYC) 321: Industrial and Organizational Psychology
- Psychology (PSYC) 345: Social Psychology
- Psychology (PSYC) 425: Human Factors
- Psychology (PSYC) 427: Environmental Psychology
- Psychology (PSYC) 442: Intergroup Relations
- Psychology (PSYC) 481: Advanced Topics in Organizational Psychology
- Psychology (PSYC) 491: Cross-Cultural Cognition
- Psychology (PSYC) 495: Consumer Psychology
- Religious Studies (RELS) 484.07: Advanced Topics in Christianity (Performance of Religious Authority)
- Social Work (SOWK) 361: Professional Use of Self
- Social Work (SOWK) 397: Practice and Evaluation with Communities
- Social Work (SOWK) 399: Practice and Evaluation with Organizations
- Sociology (SOCI) 303: Sociology of Gender
- Sociology (SOCI) 325: Introduction to Deviance and Social Control
- Sociology (SOCI) 399: Sociology of Sport
- Strategy and Global Management (SGMA) 371: International Business
- Strategy and Global Management (SGMA) 533: Dilemmas and Decisions in Business
- Strategy and Global Management (SGMA) 551: Social Issues, Strategies and Shareholders
- Strategy and Global Management (SGMA) 561: Ethical Issues and the Professional Manager
- Strategy and Global Management (SGMA) 579: Co-ordinating Global Business
- Strategy and Global Management (SGMA) 595: Advanced Business Law