Chairs and Professorships

Dr. James Agarwal
UCalgary Research Excellence Chair
Dr. James Agarwal, PhD is the inaugural UCalgary Research Excellence Chair and Full Professor of Marketing at the Haskayne School of Business.
Agarwal’s research interests are in the following broad areas: International Marketing, Marketing Ethics, Consumer Psychology, and Customer Relationship Marketing. In International Marketing he explores the roles of culture, political environment, and market research in foreign markets and how they influence firm and consumer decisions. In Marketing Ethics, he studies the application of ethical theories in customer privacy and customer-brand relationship. In Consumer Psychology he researches into topics such as customer engagement, customer relationship marketing, branding, and organizational frontline research. His research typically uses quantitative methodology including multivariate statistics, structural equation modeling, psychometrics, experimental design, and econometric modeling.
Agarwal has co-authored/edited 3 books and published extensively in major refereed journals, proceedings, and book chapters. He has received several honors, awards, recognitions, and competitive research grants during his tenure.

Dr. Mark Anderson
Richard F. Haskayne, FCA Chair in Accounting
Dr. Mark Anderson, PhD enjoys learning through research and teaching. His research is at the intersection of financial and managerial accounting. He is interested in how accounting information reflects and affects decision-making, with an emphasis on managing through growth and decline phases of economic and product life cycles. His research on cost stickiness examines how managers deal with resource commitments, especially labour commitments, during downturns. He also considers the roles of growth and strategy by investigating how they affect accounting quality. His research on corporate governance includes studies on corporate social responsibility and gender participation in top management.
Anderson’s research has been published in leading academic journals. He serves as an editor or on editorial boards for Contemporary Accounting Research, China Finance and Accounting Review and The International Journal of Accounting.

Dr. Alexander David
David E. Mitchell Professorship in Management
Dr. Alexander David, PhD researches in the areas of asset pricing, energy finance and risk management.
In asset pricing, he has generalized classic pricing models of stocks, bonds and derivatives, replacing volatility as the key variable, with investors' beliefs about the state of economic fundamentals.
In energy finance, he has provided a new modeling framework that shows the strong link between the slope of the futures curve and long-run exploration and production decisions of energy companies.
In risk management, David studies the systemic implications of derivative contracts that are written between banks.
David has published in leading journals in finance and risk management. His research has been supported by the National Science Foundation in the United States and the Social Science and Humanities Research Council in Canada.

Dr. Andrew Hayes
Distinguished Research Professorship
A leading expert in applied data analysis, Dr. Andrew F. Hayes, PhD brings his expertise in statistical research methods in social sciences to the Haskayne School of Business. Hayes is a quantitative methodologist and his research on applied statistical methods has been published extensively crossing the fields of psychology, mathematics and statistics, communication and marketing. In both 2019 and 2020, Hayes was named a Highly Cited Researcher by Web of Science.
Hayes invented the PROCESS macro for SPSS, SAS, and R, software that is used by almost all researchers doing work exploring mediation and moderation effects. He teaches courses on applied data analysis and also conducts online and in-person workshops on statistical analysis to multidisciplinary audiences throughout the world.

Dr. Sandy Hershcovis
Future Fund Professorship in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Dr. Sandy Hershcovis, PhD, is making an impact for those experiencing workplace harassment, witnesses to harassment and their companies.
Hershcovis has sat on an expert panel at the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine summit on sexual harassment and has given expert testimony before both Senate and House of Commons Standing Committees regarding harassment policy and law (Bill C-65). She has published her research in internationally reputed journals and presented her research around the world. Her research is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
Hershcovis has also been named to the Royal Society of Canada College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists in September 2020. In 2021 she was elected as a Fellow of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

Dr. Liena Kano
McCaig Family Future Fund Professorship in International Family Business
Dr. Liena Kano, PhD explores business phenomena such as family firm governance, emerging economy multinationals and global value chains, with a particular focus on microfoundations that underlie complex governance decisions. Prior to earning her PhD at the University of Calgary, Kano enjoyed a dynamic career in strategic management in a range of Canadian and international industry sectors including oil and gas, technology and banking. Her significant leadership and management experience has influenced her current research interests.
Kano’s work has been published in premier academic journals. She has also co-authored a piece for California Management Review.

Dr. Anne Kleffner
Chair, Insurance and Risk Management
Dr. Anne Kleffer, PhD is a large part of the success of the risk management and insurance program at the Haskayne School, having been a part of the faculty since 1992. The Chair, Insurance and Risk Management is funded by an endowment that was established by the support of insurance industry and risk management stakeholders. This funded chair position allows Kleffner to pursue her research interests in enterprise risk management, insurance regulation, and the relationship between ESG (environmental, social and governance) performance and risk. She has published in many scholarly journals and is on the Board of the American Risk and Insurance Association and is a member of the Risk Theory Society.
Kleffner has published with The Conversation Canada and has a business case available through Harvard Business Review.

Dr. Yrjo Koskinen
BMO Professorship is Sustainable and Transition Finance
Exploring how finance can help facilitate energy transition is the focus behind Dr. Yrjo Koskinen, PhD’s research professorship. Sustainable finance is a driving force that impacts access to capital and investor behaviour and Koskinen’s research will help inform a variety of stakeholders. Koskinen will delve into practical applications for oil and gas companies, investors, policymakers, bankers and investment managers, as well as academic research on issues surrounding finance and energy.
Koskinen currently serves on the advisory board of the Institute of Sustainable Finance and the steering committee for the Canadian Sustainable Finance Network.
He has published in the areas of corporate finance and governance, corporate social responsibility and sustainable finance. In The Conversation Canada, he makes the case for green energy trusts.

Dr. Seok-Woo Kwon
Robson Professorship in Entrepreneurship
Exploring how social capital effects business is one of the areas that Dr. Seok-Woo Kwon, PhD is exploring in his research. Social capital is the relationships and network that an individual surround themselves with. Kwon’s research indicates that these relationships might effect if an individual pursues entrepreneurial opportunity. Kwon has published extensively on social capital.

Dr. Alfred Lehar
Future Fund Professorship in Decentralized Finance
Dr. Barrie Nault
Distinguished Research Professorship in Business Technology Management
Dr. Barrie Nault, PhD is internationally recognized in the field of Business Technology Management. His current research delves into how information technology affects productivity directly and indirectly through outsourcing, through complementarity with other capital and labor, through transaction costs, and through relationships along the supply chain. He also studies incentives and investment in networks and platforms; virtual organizations and supply chains; public safety networks; net neutrality; IT and transaction costs; and environmental incentives for new energy technology conversion. Nault has also explored how IT value is created and how it affects the macroeconomy.
Nault has published extensively in leading journals and is a Distinguished Fellow of the INFORMS Information Systems Society. He has held research grants from the NSF in the U.S. as well as NSERC and SSHRC in Canada.

Dr. Anup Srivastava
Canada Research Chair in Accounting, Decision-Making and Capital Markets
Making accounting, valuation and corporate governance practices more meaningful as digital corporations shift investments from hard assets to intangibles. These are the main drivers behind the research of Dr. Anup Srivastava, PhD. Srivastava is Haskayne’s first Canada Research Chair. His research impacts multiple stakeholders such as directors, managers, regulators, accountants, policy makers and investors. He has also explored how Covid-driven experimentation with virtual teaching would disrupt college education.
Srivastava has published numerous scholarly journals. He is perhaps Canada’s most prolific author in Harvard Business Review, with more than 25 articles to his credit. His work is frequently cited in world’s leading media outlets, such as Bloomberg, Financial Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, NPR and Forbes as well as Canadian outlets such as Globe and Mail and Calgary Herald.

Dr. Piers Steel
Brookfield Residential Chair in Management
A recognized authority on the science of motivation and author of The Procrastination Equation, Dr. Piers Steel, PhD is also the Brookfield Residential Chair in Management.
Steel’s research into topis such as productivity, culture and decision-making have had broad appeal to both mainstream and scholarly audiences. He is currently developing an online platform,, to enable systematic reviews of unprecedented size, ease and speed. His extensive experience in meta-analysis, makes him the ideal researcher for this endeavour.
With over 60 publications, Piers’ work has appeared in the premier journals in the social sciences. He has also published in the Harvard Business Review and The Conversation Canada. He is a fellow of the American Psychological Association, the Society of Industrial Organizational Psychology, and the American Psychological Society.

Dr. Tunde Ogunfowora
Future Fund Professorship in Behavioral Business Ethics
Dr. Tunde Ogunfowora, PhD has a common thread across his research - understanding how external factors such as leadership and internal factors (personality, moral emotions, moral cognitions) interact to shape employee conduct. His published research has examined the implications of ethical leadership and abusive leadership for understanding employee attitudes and behaviors at work. Ogunfowora also explores how moral disengagement, moral efficacy and moral courage impact employee ethical behavior and decision making.

Dr. Nick Turner
Future Fund Chair in Leadership
Healthy work is the research theme that Dr. Nick Turner, PhD explores as the Future Fund Chair in Leadership. Healthy work is work that promotes psychological well-being and physical safety. Many factors come together to create healthy work including leadership, work design and occupational health and safety. His recent work focuses on the relationship between leadership and safety, young workers and safety, and the relationship between workplace injuries and mental health.
An accomplished scholar, Turner has many journal articles published. Turner has also published pieces in The Conversation Canada. He is also an affiliated faculty member in the Department of Psychology, University of Calgary, and a member of the O’Brien Institute for Public Health.

Dr. Alain Verbeke
McCaig Chair in Management
Dr. Alain Verbeke, PhD explores facets of internalization theory, which is the general theory of the multinational enterprise. He has developed a general paradigm of international business strategy in his acclaimed book with Cambridge University Press. He also developed the concepts of subsidiary-specific advantage, bounded reliability and bifurcation bias for firm-level governance. Having directed over 150 strategy consulting studies, he has unique and wide-ranging managerial expertise on assessing large-scale CapEx projects.
Verbeke is the Inaugural Alan M. Rugman Memorial Fellow at the Henley Business School, University of Reading (UK). He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of International Business Studies.
Verbeke has authored or edited over 40 books and has published over 40 substantive contributions to AJG 4/4*journals. He has published about bounded reliability for California Management Review.
Research Fellowships

Dr. KJ (Kyoung Jin) Choi
Future Fund Fellow in Fintech & Digital Economy
Dr. KJ Choi delves into the transformative impact of financial technology (FinTech) on both individual and institutional behaviors. With a keen focus on the dynamics of consumption and investment in the wake of groundbreaking technologies—such as blockchain, AI, and Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)—his research not only maps the current landscape but also seeks to uncover how these innovations foster a more inclusive and efficient financial system. His collaborative efforts with industry leaders and policymakers underscore the practical relevance of his work, aiming to bridge the gap between theoretical research and real-world financial solutions. Dr. Choi is at the forefront of exploring the nuanced interplay between consumer behavior, investment strategies, and emerging financial systems, particularly in the context of CBDC, positioning his research as pivotal for shaping the future of the digital economy.

Dr. Luminita Enache
Future Fund Fellow
Dr. Luminita Enache, PhD is interested in exploring issues that lie at the intersection of accounting and finance. A frequent contributor to Harvard Business Review, she brought to light the challenges facing mid-size companies and issues surrounding financial reporting for new economy companies. She has published research on topics including disclosures, corporate governance and intangible investments. Her further research is broadly focused on firms' information environment in capital markets, on the role intangible play in shaping the new economy firms, corporate governance and more recently on health economics. She is currently investigating how managers provide financial information and how users respond to financial information generated in situations of high uncertainty, such as highly changing economic conditions.

Dr. Irene Herremans
CPA Fellow in Managerial Accounting
Dr. Irene Herremans, PhD explores the intersection of environmental management and business. Her research focuses on management and environmental control systems, environmental performance, intellectual capital and performance evaluation.
Her research has been published extensively. She has been named "Woman of the Year" by the American Business Women's Association and has been a three-time award winner for the University of Calgary Sustainability Award.

Dr. Hooman Hidaji
Future Fund Fellow in in Business Technology Management
Hooman’s research explores data privacy and protection regulation, data portability, platform competition, and information technology supply chains and investments. His publications appear in prestigious journals such as Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, and Production and Operations Management; and have been featured in London School of Economics Business Review, The Globe and Mail, and The Conversation. Hooman has held several grants, including SSHRC Insight Development Grant and Insight Grant.

Dr. Mohammad Keyhani
Future Fund Fellow
Dr. Mohammad Keyhani, PhD researches the areas of digital entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial strategy and generativity. Mohammad's research has been published in top tier peer-reviewed journals and presented in international conferences where he has received multiple best paper and best reviewer awards. Mohammad is also a no-code entrepreneur and founder of, maker of and the Entrepreneur Tools directory, as well as an OnDeck No Code Fellow (ODNC2). His other experiences include roles such as business advisor to multiple startups (see and, Lab Strategist at the Creative Destruction Lab Rockies, and a David Rockefeller Fellow at the Trilateral Commission.

Dr. Oleksiy Osiyevskyy
Future Fund Fellow
Dr. Oleksiy Osiyevskyy, PhD investigates the problem of achieving and sustaining firm growth through successfully engaging in entrepreneurial strategies. His expertise includes analyzing and designing innovative business models, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of corporate innovation practices and evidence-based strategies for developing high-growth new ventures. In addition to his teaching and research, he is Director of Haskayne’s MBA Programs and Director of the Global Business Futures Initiative. His research was included in the list of ‘research projects taking place at Canadian universities that teach important lessons for today's business leaders' by Canadian Business Magazine. With over 50 publications, Osiyevskyy is making an impact in entrepreneurship and innovation research. You can hear him as host of the Global Business Futures Initiative podcast.

Dr. Miguel Palacios
Future Fund Fellow
Dr. Miguel Palacios, PhD studies the intersection of human capital and asset-pricing. In particular, he studies the size and riskiness of human capital, its impact on the riskiness of firms, the riskiness of education investments, and optimal education funding. He is a co-founder of Lumni, which has financed more than 12,000 students through Income Share Agreements in Latin America and the United States. More recently, he is working on creating better financial products for retirees as a co-founder of A&P Capital. He is currently leading two parallel research projects looking at optimal mechanisms for funding education as well as estimating a benchmark against which to evaluate the returns of education.

Dr. Ruth Pogacar
Future Fund Fellowship in Names and Branding
Ruth Pogacar MBA, PhD researches the influences of language on consumers at the intersection of linguistics and marketing. Her work explores the effects of brand names on consumer preference and choice, and on brand performance. She is also interested in consumer welfare, for instance how marketers and policy makers can positively impact consumer behaviour, and the benefits for business in doing so. Her goal is to understand the language and ethics of marketing to improve consumer experiences and business outcomes. Ruth has published in high impact scholarly journals and her research has been featured in the Harvard Business Review, The Wall Street Journal, and the Globe and Mail. She has held SSHRC and Transformative Consumer Research grants.

Dr. Jingjing Wang
Future Fund Fellowship in Accounting
Jingjing Wang conducts research in financial accounting, regulation and standards, firm disclosure, auditing, sustainability, textual analysis, and machine learning. She is passionate about research that can impact accounting practices and bridge the gap between academia, practitioners, and policymakers. Using machine learning and textual analysis techniques, she explores research questions of firms’ going concern disclosure and management plans, big bath accounting and management deception, and greenwashing textual measures. Her work has been published in The Accounting Review and Accounting, Organization, and Society. Jingjing received the award of Dean’s Award for Innovative Research and Dean’s Research Scholar. Her research is supported by grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

Dr. Hussein Warsame
CPA Faculty Fellow of Taxation
Dr. Hussein Warsame, PhD explores taxation, financial accounting and auditing in his research. Recently, Warsame has explored taxation of digital companies for pieces in Harvard Business Review. He brings a global perspective to his research and teaching having taught in United Arab Emirates, South Africa, Peru and Somalia.
Warsame has published extensively in refereed journals. He recently served as an Associate Editor of Accounting Education and is currently in the editorial board of the Accounting Perspectives."

Dr. Justin Weinhardt
Future Fund Fellow
Dr. Justin Weinhardt, PhD researches how motivation and decision-making change over time using dynamic models. His work also focuses on mental illness at work. He has co-authored a piece for Harvard Business Review outlining proven methods for employees to improve their engagement at work. Weinhardt has published research in the areas of self-regulation, decision making, computational models and motivation. He is researching two big ideas regarding decision making for the betterment of employees, organizations and society. First, fairness in decision making, specifically fairness of AI and machine learning algorithms used in organizations, and second, improving dynamic decision making.

Dr. Alex Whalley
PropTech Fellow, Westman Centre for Real Estate Studies
Dr. Alexander Whalley, PhD’s research focuses on economics of innovation, urban economics, labor economics and economic history. Whalley has published in the Journal of Political Economy, Review of Economics and Statistics, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy and Journal of Public Economics. His research has focused on the determinants of productivity, how university technology affects regional growth and the effects of accountability on government performance. Whalley also serves as a Lab Economist at the Creative Destruction Lab – Rockies, and has been a visiting scholar at Stanford University and the University of California – Berkeley.
Teaching and Learning Fellowships