Operations and Supply Chain Management
Academic Areas
Operations and supply chain management is an academic specialization in the Haskayne School of Business. Some particular research strengths of our faculty include:
- Supply chain management, encompassing all aspects, from operations strategy – maximizing responsiveness through flexibility, collaboration and logistics – through supply chain network design, including facility layout and location, and;
- Health care operations management, specifically health care delivery optimization through addressing problems of access to care and quality/safety, employing quantitative tools as well as qualitative and empirical studies of health services.
Research Consortiums:
- Digitization for Innovative Supply Chains (DISC) Consortium is a platform to create and share knowledge, allowing members insights into the value added from applied research findings and access to highly qualified personnel who are trained in digitization.
- A Collaborative Consortium for Excellence of Service Delivery (ACCESD) healthcare is a collective consortium of clinical and non-clinical colleagues in a diverse set of disciplines within the University of Calgary and beyond.
Full-time faculty

Osman Alp
Area of expertise: Inventory Management, Distribution Logistics, Sustainable Transportation

Marco Bijvank
Area Chair - OSCM, Associate Professor
Area of expertise: Supply Chain Management, Decision Making, Healthcare Management

Giovani Caetano da Silveira
Area of expertise: Operations strategy, Mass customization, Supply chain management, Servitization

Serasu Duran
Assistant Professor
Area of expertise: Energy-related Operations, Sustainability, Empirical Analysis, Supply Chain Management

Janice Eliasson
Professor (Teaching)
Area of expertise: Teaching Innovation

Yiwen Jin
Assistant Professor
Area of expertise: healthcare, supply chain management

Hossein Piri
Assistant Professor
Area of expertise: Healthcare Operations Research, Machine Learning, Revenue Management, Behavioral Operations, Human-AI interaction

Alireza Sabouri
Assistant Professor
Area of expertise: Supply Chain Management, Healthcare Management

Brent Snider
Professor (Teaching), Teaching & Learning Fellow
Area of expertise: Enterprise Systems, Experiential Learning

Sherry Weaver
Director Master of Management, Associate Professor (Teaching)
Area of expertise: Ethical Leadership, Decision Making, Healthcare Management
Professor emeritus
Upcoming event
Area contact
Area Chair
Marco Bijvank
Area Administrator
Sylvia Fuchek