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BMO Mentorship Program at Haskayne

The BMO Mentorship Program allows students to connect and learn from individuals in the business community. These connections help bridge the gap between what students learn in the classroom and what is happening in the real world. Students can practice and build their leadership capabilities by connecting with the business community.

This program is supported through a generous gift of $1.25 million from the BMO Financial Group. It will continue to provide students with the resources and opportunities needed to help facilitate personal and professional success, to help students build on their strengths and identify growth opportunities.

The program hosts events throughout the year offered jointly to mentors and mentees, as well as events that include the greater community.

Requirements for Mentees

Be a student

  • BComm (2nd year and up)
  • Master of Management
  • MBA
  • Executive MBA
  • Embedded Certificate in Leadership Studies

Drive the relationship

A successful mentorship relationship is dependent on the amount of time and effort that a mentor and mentee put into creating a great experience. Mentees are expected to meet with their mentors at least six times throughout an 8-month period. Mentees are the driver of the relationship; they are expected to plan and organize meeting dates with their mentors.


Be a Mentee

Mentoring can be a crucial tool to help you grow as a business professional. A mentorship relationship provides an invaluable opportunity to accelerate your personal development, build new connections, and gain insight into industry and professional opportunities. Your mentor can act as a sounding board, provide impartial advice, share professional and leadership experiences and help build your professional network.

Apply now to be a Mentee

Requirements for Mentors


Hold an undergraduate degree and at least 5 years of professional working experience.

Time committment

six 1-hour one-to-one meetings with a Haskayne student over an 8-month period.

Mentee development

Commit to helping students build on their strengths and identify growth opportunities.


Mentors are not expected to provide jobs, give references or continue the relationship beyond the mentorship period.

Mentee listening to Mentor

Be a Mentor

As a mentor, you will help the next generation of business professionals develop their leadership skills, and you will benefit by:

  • accessing great evidence-based leadership development content to discuss in your meetings
  • reflecting on your leadership and formulating views on success in business
  • gaining a fresh perspective on your profession/industry
  • acquiring new skills to lead the next generation of employees and future leaders

Apply now to be a Mentor