MBA student tuition proposal feedback form

The University of Calgary, in accordance with the Government of Alberta’s Tuition Framework, is applying to the Minister for an exceptional tuition fee increase that is outside the provincial tuition inflation cap. Institutions may submit proposals for a specific program a maximum of once every five years and students must be consulted as part of the process. The University of Calgary intends to seek approval from the Minister of Advanced Education for an exceptional tuition fee increase for three (3) programs: the Master of Business Administration (MBA) for domestic students only, the Doctor of Medicine (MD), and the Bachelor of Science (Engineering). As a current student in the MBA program, we are seeking your feedback on the proposal for your program. 

Although these three (3) proposals will increase the cost of education for future students, tuition rates will remain lower at the University of Calgary than the average of our national peers. You will not be impacted in your current program by these proposals. However, we are seeking your feedback because you are a student enrolled in one of these programs. In addition to consulting with you directly, we plan to seek feedback from the Students’ Union, the Graduate Students’ Association, and Student Associations connected to these programs before we take them through our governance process.

Shown in the table below is the proposed tuition rate starting in 2022-23, along with the dollar and percentage amount that tuition will increase. In subsequent years, tuition fee rates will be indexed as outlined in the Alberta Tuition and Fees Regulation (i.e., Alberta CPI).

($ dollars) 2021-22 2022-23 $Increase %Increase
Master of Business Administration 19,104 23,880 4,776 25.0%
Medical Doctor Program 17,669 20,450 2,781 15.7%
B.Sc. Engineering (Domestic Students) 6,517 8,602 2,085 32.0%

If approved, the new tuition rate will go into effect in the 2022-23 academic year. This means current students like yourself who are enrolled in the MBA program, as well as those who begin their program in fall 2021 and complete their programs on time as described in the provincial Provider and Program Registry System, will not be affected by this tuition proposal. This will only apply to students who begin their studies in the 2022-23 academic year or afterwards.

Specifically, the additional tuition revenue for the MBA program will be invested in four key areas: 1) Academic and support staff  2) Resource investments  3) Learning technologies and  4) Scholarships and bursaries.

We welcome your thoughts on this tuition proposal, especially those relating to areas where additional revenue should be invested. Based on your experience as a student in this program, what changes could we make to the proposal to maintain and enhance program quality?

Given the compressed consultation timeline, please provide your feedback by Tuesday, May 25, 2021.