Feb. 1, 2021

Dean's Award: Innovative Research

2019 Dean’s Awards

Our 2025 strategy envisions Haskayne as “a prominent research-oriented business school where big ideas come to life and the joy of discovery flourishes. We strive to create an inspirational and inclusive environment for knowledge creation and the pursuit of research excellence. Our scholars contribute to the global academic discourse and address the challenges businesses face by creating innovative and impactful research.”

At last year’s retreat, I was so pleased to recognize the groundbreaking work of two of our most prolific researchers, both from our Accounting Area; Dr. Anup Srivastava and Dr. Luminita Enache. In addition, the Dean’s mixed collaboration team award went to the Research Communications Working Group.

Luminita Enache enhances Haskayne’s international visibility and reputation and connects academic research to management practice. Her research interests lies at the intersection of accounting and finance, with a focus on empirical research that is closely guided by economic theory. She is broadly focused on firms' information environment in capital markets, the role intangibles plays in shaping the new economy firms, corporate governance, and more recently on the health economics. Her most recent publications are in Management Science, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting (2 articles), and Harvard Business Review (8 articles).

Luminita Enache

Dr. Luminita Enache

Anup Srivastava holds the Canada Research Chair in Accounting. Over the last several years, he has emerged as a leading scholar in documenting the disruptions caused by the corporations’ shift towards intangibles. His work has been published in the Review of Accounting Studies, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Business Horizons, Management Science, California Management Review, and the Harvard Business Review (18 articles). His research has been cited in Bloomberg, Financial Times, Barrons, Forbes, CNBC, Reuters, and NPR.

Anup Srivastava

Dr. Anup Srivastava

Please note that the references to accomplishments are based on the nominations received approximately one year ago, and both Luminita and Anup have continued to advance their research and impact over the last year.

The Research Communications Working Group won the mixed team award in Innovative Research.  The members of this team are Yrjo Koskinen, Stephane Massinon, Karen Perl-Pollard and Fay Wilkinson.  Established in 2019 to improve communication and mobilization of Haskayne research, this team developed and implemented a new research promotion plan.  These activities enhanced the visibility and reputation of Haskayne research.

From left to right, Dr. Yrjo Koskinen, Stephane Massinon, Karen Perl-Pollard and Fay Wilkinson

Please join me in thanking Luminita, Anup, and the members of the Research Communications Working Group for their outstanding contributions to our strategic goal of innovative research.