Nov. 4, 2015
The first Haskayne Peer Network event of the semester
Twice a month, all students are welcome to drop by scheduled Haskayne Peer Network Events hosted by the Canadian Centre for Advanced Leadership in Business and the Haskayne Students’ Association. Students can informally network with other students over free coffee and learn about the different opportunities available at the Haskayne School of Business.
The first Haskayne Peer Network Event was themed around the Student Experiences Fund (SEF), a collaborative fund for students that is sponsored by the Canadian Centre for Advanced Leadership in Business, the Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation and the Westman Centre for Real Estate Studies. During the event, students participated in a game where they searched a pool filled with “SEF dollars” to find the corresponding bills that pay for different experiential learning experiences. After the game, participating students got the chance to speak with students who benefited from the SEF.
Syed Ahmad, a fourth year student (Finance combined with Nanoscience), volunteered during the peer networking event to talk about his experiences attending a Business and Technology Conference at Queen’s University and competing in three case competitions held in Vancouver, Pittsburgh and Harvard University. From these opportunities, Ahmad and his team won first place in the Berg Ethics Cup in Pittsburgh and made it to finals in the Harvard International Case Competition.
As Ahmad humbly points out, it took hard work, courage, the support from his team, and the financial opportunity to achieve such amazing feats.
“The reality is, when we went to Vancouver, we didn’t do very well,” Ahmad recalls. “Having the ability to come back and understand the mistakes and be able to apply those lessons is something I am very thankful for that the SEF has given me the opportunity to do. The lessons taken away from these experiences really helped me do well in my professional life.”
The Haskayne Peer Network focuses on how to get students involved in Case Competitions and meet with the different Haskayne Clubs and Centres. Its aim is to get students aware of the many different opportunities available to them.
“Take advantage of the opportunities that the school provides. Never have I ever regretted the decision to go out and try something new. Every single time, it’s taught me new lessons, made me new friends and it’s given me new experiences,” said Ahmad.
Find out more about the Haskayne Student Experiences Fund and the Haskayne Peer Network.