June 26, 2020
Haskayne’s Jarislowsky Fellows host webinars for MBA students
As the in-person events were cancelled due to the escalation in COVID-19 cases, the Jarislowsky fellows in business management, Catherine Bell and Art Korpach, decided to help MBAs navigate the ongoing changes and help them identify the opportunities created.
The first webinar, hosted by Catherine Bell on May 19, 2020, was about timeless characteristics of a successful business. Catherine started the webinar with a short presentation, ‘Awakening the Fundamentals in Business Strategy’. Afterwards, MBA students asked questions and conversations were created around multiple topics such as business strategy, creating and measuring social and cultural metrics, defining a purpose and North Star for your life and self-awareness.
Nathan Turley, a Haskayne evening MBA student said, “I really like the notion of embracing the perspective of life happening for me instead of life happening to me. It aligns with my belief that life is an adventure!”
Two books were gifted to participants in this year’s Jarislowsky events and their relevance to the current situation was discussed. Catherine Bell said, “This year our books were Man’s Search for Meaning and The Awakened Company. As Viktor Frankl is often quoted, ‘Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.’ Every student has a real opportunity for growth at this time, and always. This is something very important to remember throughout life. When the pandemic hit, I just thought of the MBA students, and how the amazing Haskayne students could really be a powerful force in leading us towards a better society and have business be a true force for good.”
On May 26, 2020, Art Korpach hosted the second webinar to discuss some of the challenges and opportunities that have been created as a result of the pandemic. During this interactive webinar, Art presented data ranging from the finance world to what history might reveal to us. Students participated in conversations about green initiatives and the effects of low oil prices in Alberta, Canada’s strategy in supply chain management and how to deal with China’s role in the future economy, opportunities that have been created in the healthcare system and the government’s role in supporting businesses to remain internationally competitive.
Russell Hoy, a Haskayne evening MBA student said, "It was a pleasure listening to Art during his ‘Opportunities and Challenges in a COVID-19 World’ webinar. I didn't know what to expect, seeing as COVID-19 is a (fingers crossed) once in a life-time experience, but Art showcased incredible knowledge and statistics based on past world changing events that really made you think about these topics in our current situation. I would recommended this discussion with Art to anyone since it just makes you think about possibilities both positive and negative."
Art Korpach reflects on the webinar, “While the COVID-19 virus will have a lasting effect and impression on our lives, it was refreshing that most felt we will be able to return to normal at some point, and enjoy many of the things we used to do. The dialogue on learnings from past crises and the possible new opportunities for businesses and for MBA students was also hopeful.”
Overall, the webinars were a great experience for CCAL and the MBA community to stay connected, and continue impactful discussion on how Haskayne students can shape the future of our country.